Establishing a Foundation and 501(c)(3)

A 12-member delegation of volunteers from the Oflag 64 Family met with their Polish advisor and advocate, Mariusz Winiecki, during the week of July 22-29, 2018 in Washington, DC. The delegation consisted of descendants of American ex-POWs and met for the purpose of finding ways to assist in the development of historical museums/centers and to preserve the history of the POW experience by highlighting the camp itself, its internees, and the role and support of the Polish people.

The following final decisions and assignments came out of these strategic discussions:

  • The Oflag 64 Family delegates will begin the process of registering a Polish-American Foundation which will be the vehicle supporting the establishment of a museum on the grounds of the former Oflag 64 site. The founder will be Wilbur Sharpe, Oflag 64 ex-POW.
  • The Oflag 64 Family delegates will seek a non-profit status (501(c)(3)) for their future organization, to enable fundraising and marketing for this endeavor.

At the conclusion of the week’s meetings, the Council hosted a reception for families and friends of former Oflag 64 POWs. Many renewed old acquaintances and made new connections. The Washington Post covered the reception [You may access the article: Americans, Poles meet in Va. to plan how to save a nearly forgotten Nazi POW camp].


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